First let’s start with what is Encaustic Painting. The short answer is it is painting with hot beeswax, but for a more in-depth answer check out this link on Wikipedia.
To say I needed Leah‘s workshop was a understatement. I have felt the need lately to push myself creatively as an artist. You spend so much time managing your business that you sometimes forget that you need a creative kick in the pants.
I met Leah about 9 years ago at a photography conference at the the Marriott near the Philly airport. I was instantly captivated by her work. Fast forward to a couple of months ago when we became friends via Facebook and I see that she is offering a workshop right here in our home town. Queue me immediately emailing her and signing up for her workshop.
Truly, her workshop opened so many blocked creative doors for me. I am forever grateful for the knowledge and experience she shared with us over the workshop!